
En suite ... ( そしてその後・・・)

It's been almost 2 days since first I started writing my blog.
Why it took so long to continue, I don't know why...
Maybe something put me off from writing or maybe because so many things are still happening around me...
In either way, it is not easy for me to recall what was exactly happening on that day, March the 11th....


After I had a few hours sleep - or nap - in the morning,
I wake up again and the time was already around 16.30 o'clock Japan time.
Then I remembered the big Earthquake news on internet ...

I started browsing internet again.
I saw some of the Tsunami already arrived in Japan - the big ones ...-
and I saw one posted message on Facebook from my friend in Hong Kong,
saying " God bless Japan ..."
I wondered " Why ? the Chinese person saying God bless to Japan ? "
without much caution, I replied " :) "

I got dressed and I went downstairs to have a breakfast at the hotel.

When I almost finished my brekky, I met one of the receptionists I know well.
and I heard she was talking about the Earthquake.

Something pushed me to start talking ...
" Have you heard about the Earthqake in Japan. "
then she said, " Yes, I did, indeed. "
I said," I heard there were many Tsunami were predicted to hit in that area as well ... So is Milan seismic area in Italy ? " , and she relpied. " Well, there are some but not many big ones around here in the North. "
It was the same answer I did the night before to my colleagues.

then I started talking about my fear. " I think if the Tsunami was more than 10m, it could be bigger than the one hit in Thailand a few years ago ..." then she said " Well, we don't have tsunami here in Milan ..."
I said, " Of-course !! Milan is inland & so far from the sea !! If the tsunami hit here, whole Italy could be devastated... "then she laughed " Of-course. ", and I said " Well, Japan is the same... it's just a small country."
It was just a joke at that time till I really saw the image ....

Then after that conversation, I went back to my room.
I started browsing internet again.
Without seeing any answers from my friend from Hong Kong, I added " but Why ?" as a question.
and she immediately replied saying " Don't you know Japan was hit by EQ !? "
I said " Yes, I know, but must be Ok there... I guess it is not much over populated area like Tokyo with skycrapers, can't be worse than in Kobe ..."
Then she replied soon after " There are big boats & ships next to the airport ... unbelievable... "
then she continued reporting the scene from her iPod... then I asked " Where are you seeing this ? "

Soon she posted this image, believed taken from the air by US airforce.
It was broadcasted almost as live on CNN, the Tsunami water swallowed up all the buildings & cars in the car park and carried away all the big boats & even tunkers, even with fire, coming towards the Sendai Airport etc ... 





( The last one is also by CNN but I think the source was taken from NHK -probably World -. However, have you really seen this on TV ? Caz I found the same video as " not broadcasted in Japan " and it was cut even the last 1/3 even on youtube... )

I lost my words, while watching what was happening in Japan ....

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